Is Putin about to win?

Having gone into medical oblivion for a week or so, I see what becomes of the world when I am not personally attending to matters.  As one example, it would appear that the situation for Ukraine has gone from bad to worse

Before getting into the issue, I will remind folks that I stand with Ukraine.  America’s objective should be the same as theirs – to defeat Putin.  That means the total withdrawal of Russian troops from all of Ukraine, Russia pays reparations, kidnapped Ukrainian children returned and Ukraine admitted to NATO.  That is what victory looks like.

Unfortunately, because President Biden’s too little/too late policy prolonged the war that might have been won early on — and President Trump’s lack of support for President Zelenskyy — the notion of a Putin defeat and a Ukraine victory appears to have evaporated.  The goal is now to achieve some sort of agreement that would cede the land that Russia currently occupies to Putin … an agreement that Russia would respect the new borders … and a rejection of NATO membership for Ukraine.  Other details – such as the fate of the kidnapped children — are unclear.

One of the most disturbing aspects of such a ceasefire or peace agreement is that there would be no security guarantees should Russia break the agreement and invade in the future.  Without a strict and enforceable security agreement – including the building of a powerful Ukrainian military – there is no reason to trust Putin.

He has a history of breaking agreements.  More importantly, Putin has long considered the subjugation of Ukraine the crown achievement in his maniacal effort to rebuild the old Soviet Union.  No piece of paper will end that ambition.

Trump does make an argument for ending the war on humanitarian grounds.  He seems sincere in that desire.  He often talks of the hundreds of thousands of men, women and children – civilians and combatants – who have already died.

Trump fails to appreciate that appeasement never saves lives.  The Neville Chamberlain agreement with Hitler in Munich was a prime example.  The “peace in our times” agreement with Hitler gave the Fuhrer more time to build his military forces and infrastructure. Any agreement with Putin promises to do the same.

Even if you ascribe to Trump’s humanitarian motivations, that does not justify is behavior toward Ukraine.  Saying that Zelenskyy is a “dictator” and started the war is a monumental baldfaced lie – and essentially Russian propaganda.

In calling for Putin to be re-admitted to the G7 – and agreeing to keep Ukraine out of NATO – Trump has conceded issues to Putin that should not ever have been proposed.  Putin has not earned his way into the G7.  In terms of NATO, Putin has clearly demonstrated why Ukraine must be admitted.

If Ukraine is eventually gobbled up by Russia, there will be two people to blame – President Biden and President Trump.

So, there ‘tis.